Monday, July 16, 2007

Egads! Where are the posts????

Ok, Phoenix, who is in charge of this blog has been slackin!

So here I am doing the posting thing...

The last month has been an education as far as how a rescue works. We had our first Basic Birds course and Volunteer workshop, and 2 people showed! (Thank you Christina and Tari!)

and I was my finger at the other 5 or so who cancelled.. you better show up to the next one on July 28th!

Speaking of dates, here is what is a goin on, on the S.O.A.R. calendar -

July 28th - Basic Bird and Volunteer Workshop
Aug. 4+5th - The Animal Wisdom Festival in Mt. Dora
Aug. 12th - Orlando Bird Show - Will be teaching the Basic Bird Course here for people who want to adopt a bird.
Sept. 15th + 16th - Atlanta Bird Show

Soo... more soon to come!


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